Quick Questions with the CEO of HOPCP Charity

Here are some inspiring words from the founder of HOPCP:

  1. What tips or advice would you like to share with those new to mentoring?

“Mentoring is my passion. I enjoy seeing people grow and become the star that they are. I believe we are all leaders and we are capable of great things, if we put our minds to it.”

  1. What is one way that mentoring has changed your professional or personal life 

“Career planning is so important. But at the same time it changes through time and experiences. I encourage everyone I meet to try everything and don’t say no to new experiences. Not only does this field character, it also allows an individual to gain skills in multiple fields which make them more adaptable to any situation life throws at them along their journey.”

  1. What’s the best advice you can give to help plan a career rather than simply work to keep a job?

“Values that I am committed to our maintaining Integrity, never making my word what promise is go bad. Integrity is huge because this builds respect. People who respect you and know your worth will always treat you well and maintain a good business etiquette. 2. Respect and always giving it. 3 Never quitting and see everything through until the end.”

  1. What values are you committed to? How have they changed since you started your career?

“Be clear about your expectations. Make sure it is communicated to your mentee, and ensure that they are on the same page as you. Let them know in the beginning what matters and don’t matter to you. Always know that this person is giving their best and do not take their time for granted.”

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